Book Reflection: Reasons Not to Worry by Brigid Delaney


Fendi Tsim


April 5, 2024

This book was not in my monthly book list.

At the end of every month I made myself a list of books I’d like to read in the following month. I then went to the library and borrowed them.

When I was searching for a book inside a library, I saw this one on the top shelf. Then I thought: why not giving this one a try, despite I’ve got what I want? -

It turned out to be one of the best decisions I made last month.

I was lucky to find this book while going through difficult times. The figure in the second picture demonstrates a simple idea, or a perceptual blindness if you prefer, of dealing with issues in life. This concept links with Alfred Adler’s Separation of Tasks.

I anticipate myself coming back to this book occasionally in the future. It’s a great one, after all.