Reading a book for a week challenge in 2023


Fendi Tsim


February 18, 2024

I was not a book worm - I used to pick up manga over non-fictions or even fictions.

I saw myself struggling a lot when reading a lot of texts at work. Then I thought: ‘why not training myself to reading?’

In early 2023 I decided to challenge myself of reading a book for a week, which would be 52 books by the end of 2023.

By the end of 2023, I read 68 books - thats not what I expected!

Reading a lot of books might not help my work, as I realised later. However, it does help with my thinking, how I absorb knowledge, and in turn, enriches conversations. I sometimes found myself quoting a few concepts I read from books when I converse.

Most importantly, it’s not the number of books read that counts; practice deliberately by reading a bit of a book daily, it then becomes a habit, part of ourselves we are reluctant to give away.